Ep 22: Emotion And Intuition Series Part 4 of 4
Ep: 22 Transcript
Jennifer Gunson 0:02
Welcome to another episode of Medium Well with Psychic Sharyn Rose. We’re still talking about intuition and emotions. This is the final installment in that series. It’s part 4, intuition and emotions and putting it all together. Listen, while Sharyn shares all the information about chakras – the energetic centers of your body and the physical wellness, and intuitive emotional expression. How are they all connected? Sharyn is going to share with you how she lost her voice a while back and why it took her so long to heal it, the mistake she made, and how a good close friend and a lunch conversation brought that “aha moment” and helped her heal. Let’s get started!
How Does Emotion Affect Intuition?
Sharyn 0:51
Hey, hello, and welcome back to Medium Well with Psychic Sharyn Rose. Thanks for popping on today! I want to just share something with you in regards to the wrap-up of our Emotions and Intuition, and how they’re connected. And I want to share something with you because it’s a mistake I made. And it’s a common mistake I think a lot of people make when you have something going on in your body, and you’re doing everything you can to remedy it, but you’re focusing in a very narrow way. In other words, as I mentioned, at the end of last session, my voice has been coming and going and coming and going. It all started when my father passed in 2020. And I haven’t been able to, just have not been able to keep hold of my voice. And I knew there was an emotional component to it. But I thought oh yeah, you know what, I pretty much have dealt with that. That’s pretty, you know, so maybe I’ve got some kind of, I don’t know, maybe I’m straining my voice maybe a wear and tear or whatever it is, it is. So I was doing all these fantastic remedies for throat and for chest and for just to help with my vocal cords. And I’m doing things like one of the best actually, if you do have a raspy voice, one of the best – and you have to speak – remedy is just a quarter teaspoon of horseradish with just a couple of drops of lemon juice. I know that sounds pretty bad, but it really works. It’s actually really good. And I was doing that I was doing the Vicks. I was drinking the hot tea with the honey and the lemon. And I was literally doing every, I was literally going whole days when I could without talking. I mean just really working hard to try and and save my voice from strain thinking, you know that, that would help. Then last week, I had an opportunity, I went and had lunch with a really good friend. And my really good friend is a listener. She was somebody that wasn’t looking to give me advice or tell me what to do or how to do it. But we had lunch and I wasn’t looking to give her advice or tell her what to do or how to do anything. We’re just we’re enjoying each other’s company while we’re having lunch. And I suddenly found myself talking about some very deep emotional issues. I’m that person that I don’t share a lot of what’s going on with me, I tend to work for others, help others, be of service. But I tend to not look for guidance myself. And so it was really nice to just be able to vocalize what had been in my heart and been in my mind and been in my life. For the last two years, I really got a chance, and not just two years, several years, but I got a chance to vocalize. And there was no judgment that came from my friend. There was no choosing to say, Oh, well, let me help you fix it. There was no criticism or condemnation. There was no, there was nothing – just love. She just presented me with love. She allowed me to express myself and feel loved. And it was great. It was an awesome lunch. We had the best time. It was a couple of hours we were together and then, and then we had both gone our own way because we had things that we had to take care of. But I found myself that rest of that day feeling like I was on a cloud! Just feeling really good and not really sure why I was feeling so good. But I was putting it down to just having enjoyed being able to spend time with her, and being able to have lunch with her. And we found this new little restaurant and it was the best food it was really good food. And so the next day – I slept really good that night – and the next day, when I got up, I still felt equally good. And doing the podcast every morning. The first thing that I do is check my voice. Can I put a podcast together today? Is it possible is my voice can work? Can I talk? Is anybody going to be able to understand me? So I was working really hard to you know, every day to be vigilant and I was working on my voice. And that day I woke up and my voice was clear and felt good. It as clear as it is today. It felt strong. I knew I could put a podcast together. I felt focused, I felt calm. I felt happy. It was just an enormous…. it was like I lifted a whole bunch of pounds off of my shoulders. And I don’t know where it went. It just is gone. It’s not there anymore. And I just felt good, and so I did I put a podcast together, and I got busy through the week and really wasn’t struggling with putting another podcast together. And so here I am putting this one together. But what I’m trying to say to you is having the opportunity to speak my truth and to talk it out with somebody where there would be no judgement. And I can trust her. I know it’s not gonna go beyond her. It’s not going to be a story spread around the world. It gave me liberation, it gave me freedom, it gave me strength, gave me courage, it gave me joy. It gave me all the things we’re always looking for. It gave me relief, and it gave me back my voice.
How Do You Learn Intuitively?
Now, you know, I’ve been doing this work a long time, and I teach constantly. But I sometimes don’t get it right for myself. I don’t tend to go and seek out guidance or help unless I feel really, like I really, really need it. And then I’ll be looking and oftentimes, I’ll just find a course that I can take or a mentor that I can listen to their videos or their online stuff or whatever. So I constantly am learning stuff. But it’s a one way street, there’s no going the other way. And being in the position that I’m in, in the work that I’m in, I find that it’s very difficult to express how I’m feeling about things because I’m supposed to know better, I’m supposed to be better. I’m supposed to not have a problem. I’m supposed to be able to work it out. It’s what I tell everybody else to do. And it was very revealing. And it wasn’t even right away that I started to discover that my voice was stronger until I came up to closer to doing my Zoom live for my group, my online workshop group. And I started to understand that oh my god, I had made a major breakthrough. And so I started doing a lot of digging into the emotional connection of the heart chakra and the throat chakra. Because my work has always been with the throat chakra. I’m always trying to fix a throat chakra and make it okay. You know, do like I said all those remedies that I was, you know, I was even going to bed earlier and go figure I’m a night person.
What Emotions Block The Throat Chakra?
So let’s talk about the throat chakra just a little bit and the heart chakra, and I want to just connect it to, for you, because the heart chakra is the center for love. The heart chakra is where love originates. And the throat chakra is our communication center. That’s the way we see it, right? Now, if I had been using my cocoa, you know, as I was processing the issues with my throat, I would have understood that as much as I emphasize that your physical, your emotional, your mental and your spiritual all work together. So to do all of your chakras, and that’s your root, your sacral, your solar plexus, your heart, your throat, your third eye and your crown. And there’s locations where they actually run up your spine and out through the top of your head. And the attributes of the throat chakra, which is the 5th chakra is located at the center of the neck, it represents the ability to speak and communicate clearly and effectively. So that’s why I focus there, because I thought that’s what I needed to do. And imbalanced attributes would be shyness, being withdrawn, arrogance and increased anxiety. And what I was experiencing was the increased anxiety and of course the shine is to speak my truth. And the if you take a good look at the heart chakra which is just below the throat chakra, which is the 4th chakra, located in the center of the chest of course, where your heart is, right? Here represents love, self love and governs our relationships. Relationships, unbalanced attributes would be depression – I was struggling with depression. Difficulty in relationships and lack of self discipline. One thing that I as I started studying the chakras and really looking at them, I started to understand something. That the throat chakra and the heart chakra are strongly connected. One without the other’d be very challenging. And so if you take, if you started your heart chakra, and you go up into a V, so it like take your hands and move them out to each side of your ears outside of your ears, and then back into another V on top of your head, you’ve got a diamond shape, okay? From your heart chakra out to your ears, and back into the top of your head, you’ll have a diamond shape. And in the middle of that is your communication center, and your third eye. So your crown chakra is the top of your head, your third eye’s between your eyes and your throat chakras at your throat. Your heart chakra is at your heart space. If you encompass that diamond, you’ll notice that your ears are part of that too, which is receiving. But you’re also speaking and when you speak from your heart self, from your loving self, you can actually create healing in your communication style for your communication center my throat.
What Does It Mean To Follow Your Heart And Intuition?
Now, one of the things that I was talking to her about was something that’s been going on for many, many years. There was… it’s just that it’s personal. I’m not going to share it here, at least not at this time, maybe later. But it was something that I didn’t know what to do with. I didn’t know where to go with. And I wasn’t looking for a solution from her. I just needed somebody to talk it out with, and I started to understand that I wasn’t crazy. Number one, the things I thought I was maybe imagining or… they were real, they ARE real. And the story that I shared with her is very relevant to the way that my life is unfolding. And so I was for the first time ever actually talking out what it was that was so deep seated within me. Losing my father, yes, I lost my voice right after I lost my father. But it wasn’t losing my father. That was the cause. He was the catalyst. Losing him was the catalyst for my voice to leave. Because there had been now a build up by the time he left the planet, there had been a buildup of all his anxiety and stress and depression, that just all of a sudden shut me down. And then I focused on my throat chakra to open myself back up and get back to work and be able to do the work that I’m doing. But in the meantime, I wasn’t expressing my heart self, my truth. I wasn’t sharing it with anybody. I didn’t know that I could. I really felt very inhibited about what I was dealing with. And this particular friend just happens to be somebody special enough for me to be able to sit and talk with. So the reason I’m sharing this with you is if you are doing any studies of the chakras, and the emotional and the intuitive, the heart is the love center. And that’s your emotional center. And if you go to above, like the diamond I showed you, if you put your hands above your, that’s your crown chakra that you’re receiving. You’re receiving assistance, you’re receiving guidance. The top of your head – you’re receiving messages, you’re receiving everything you could possibly need to be able to survive on this planet. But I wasn’t letting myself receive. I wasn’t hearing. And when I put my hands out beside my ears – if you think about the vibration, you can visualize vibration, like a spiral, going wah, wah, wah, kind of outside your ears – that’s my receiving physically. But it also is my spirit ear receiving. I don’t have to have someone talking to me to be able to hear the vibrations around me and the harmony around me. So my heart is the decoder for my throat. And now my throat is healing, my communication is stronger. I’m able to talk. I have done a lot of, it’s been just about two years now that I’ve been going struggling with all of this, but now I understand what it is and I will speak my truth from my heart. And I won’t hide that anymore. And if it means that I have to make some changes in my life, then I will do that too. But speaking from your heart space is essential and when you grow up in an environment where every time you spoke your truth you were shamed. Been a little intimidated, or you felt defeated or defenseless. Then you tend to shut yourself down. And as a strong clear cognizant – that I get all my my data through my spirit, mind, I get my intuitive hits through my spirit mind predominantly – when I lost my father, I semi shut down my heart chakra again. And now I’ve been working with my group and teaching chakras. And here I go. What do you think?
How Can I Attract My Dream Job?
So now, I am working vigilantly on my chakras. So I want to recommend something to all of you. There are ah… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 chakra’s – primary. We have lots of chakras all around our bodies. But there’s 7 primary chakras up our spine. And the first is the root then the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the crown. And what I would ask you to do is, Google it. Go online and Google a diagram of it, or some kind of information on the chakras so you can understand where you might be blocking yourself. You could be blocking at your sacral or your route. You could be blocking your solar plexus and you won’t even know it. You won’t even know it because you’re intuitive, that’s your spiritual language. That’s your intuitive language is where your chakras are. Your emotional language is also the Language of Spirit. So connecting the dots and allowing your body to heal through you’re speaking, your truth, your heart is the center of it all. Love is the center of it all. And that’s why I tell people, Look for things you really like. Look for things you really love. When you look at somebody, don’t look at them and think, oh my, and judge them. Look at what you really like about them. Look at your work and what you love about it. Even though you might be looking for a new job, look at your work and what you love about it. Look at, look at your home, and what you really love about it. Because if you’re shopping for a new home, you want to get home that’s going to be elevating you up at a level to what you really would like your job. If you’re looking for a job to elevate you, don’t look at what you hate about the job you currently have. Really intuitively go to the things you love about it so that you can manifest yourself a really beautiful job that you can grow and thrive in!
What Is Emotional Intuition?
But, I just wanted to share that with you because it was the most interesting experience for me, considering, you know, I’m supposed to know this stuff! I… maybe I’m harder on myself than I would be on anybody else. or anybody else would be on me. But I’m really excited now because my voice is back! And I can actually talk. And I can actually be understood and heard! My focus is also bad. So don’t underestimate the power of your intuition, and how it works with your emotions. And we’re going to start a whole new series coming up in the next sessions, which will be in February. I’m not exactly sure what the topic is yet. So listen up, and stay with us. And I really appreciate that you get to pop on here and the two are able to listen to me. Thank you so much. Please make sure you subscribe. Make sure you follow and who knows what’s going to be coming up down the road. Thanks so much, everybody. It’s really nice to have you here. Remember intuition and emotions. Brother and sister. Twins connected. Use them both. All right, take care. And until next time, bye bye for now!
Jennifer Gunson 16:14
Thank you for listening to another episode of Medium Well with Psychic Sharyn Rose. If you love listening to this podcast, we have one little favor to ask you. Please follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google podcasts. If you love learning from Sharyn, well, she’s got a few great courses that are ongoing! Why don’t you register for Kitchen Witchen, and it’s on now. All you have to do for more information is go to KitchenWitchen.ca. Or if you’d like to book an appointment with Sharyn for reading, or if you’d like to know more about Sharyn, her psychic services, coaching sessions and more workshops, go to SharynRose.com. That’s Sharyn with a “Y”. We’ll talk to you next time.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai