First Spring, then Summer
Most people can tell spring is here by the chirp of the Robins, at our house we know by the ‘thwack’ of the golf ball! Yes, I am married to a golfer who cannot get enough of the game. He wears hats and gloves on cold spring days, and again on cold fall days – just to get out there and ‘thwack’ – hit that ball! In between those extremes, he is simply MIA. But there are a lot of other things he could be interested in that might not be as healthy or wholesome so, I say ‘adios’ to him in the spring with a promise to catch up again in the autumn when the snow starts to fall. Okay, not quite that bad, but when the golfing season does arrive, I marvel at the number of people who have now taken up the sport. And truly, hubby and I do meet occasionally over the barbecue to catch up with one another.
Many of my clients are avid gardeners and yard folk, who love the fragrant grass and scented evening air of flowers and shrubs. Myself? Well, I love to sit out in the evening by the fountain that graces the front of our home with a good book and a cool beverage and watch the sun set. I also love to share the abundance of the raspberries we have in our backyard and mmmm do I love the jams that are delivered when transformed by grateful raspberry lovers. I appreciate the antics of the deer who live here during the winter dining on the seed we put out for the birds, and the fox who are always so playfully checking to see if there are any scraps left out for them. The shrill magpies in discussion with the vociferous crows can also keep me entertained.
Delightful, sunny transformational days. Being grateful is so easy when you live in such an abundantly beautiful country as Canada, which provides and accommodates all passions and pursuits. I wish you a delightful transition into your sunny days of summer!