Happy is An Inside Job
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth…. La.la.la!!
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you…. Because I’m happy….
Familiar? It’s ‘Happy’ written and performed by Pharrell Williams and currently burning up the airwaves all over the world.
Do you know what happiness is to you?Nope – I am not singing anymore, rather I am asking you the question.
What Makes You Happy? Do You Know?
In my practice I ask clients that all the time and I am astounded at the answers.Lots of ‘I don’t know’… or, ‘I can’t remember’.Some say, ‘I have never been happy’, others yet say something helpless like, ‘I Used to be happy, but then he… or she… or they… ruined my life’.
So I rephrase the question to you, right here, right now.
Where does ‘happy’ come from?
Does happy come and go randomly in your life? Does it just show up at times, and other times it is nowhere in sight?
Is being happy dependent on other people or situations for you?
Is being happy having everything perfect in your world?
Do you have to be rich, or full of food, or loved by someone? Do you have to have the coolest car, be popular, and have the best job or the most money? To be Happy?
The good news is – if you answered yes – even yes to one of them, then you believe the way most people believe. You believe happiness just arrives one day like Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. It just shows up and brings all these delightful things with it and our lives will be happy ever after. So you are a member of the majority.
But even better news? Happy is an inside job! It is you who chooses how to feel. It has nothing to do with anyone else. One of life’s best kept secrets, and it appears not too many know about it. But some do … some know they choose, every moment of every day how to feel.
Pharrell knows. He wrote that song to ask you the question and give you a way to feel good. Music, and his song ‘Happy’. Singing it, dancing to it down the street, listening to the melody and the words. Interacting with his song lifts the spirit, brings smiles, shifts moods and creates well-being – why?
Because if you choose to be involved with it – choose – you take the first step with the song to lift your own spirit and smile. You are the Happy in the song – you are your Happy.
Go ahead and go to 24hoursofhappy.com and you can download the first ever 24 hour video with the song …if you feel like it… be happy … choose to be happy… !!!
So clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth…. La.la.la!!
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you…. Because I’m happy….
Until next time… Namaste from Sharyn Rose