New Events for The Studio in 2009
We have lots of interesting and new events planned for 2009.
JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2009 – The classes continue as well as discussions on meditation at Chapters on January 17th from one to four and at Cindy’s Tea House February 21st from one to four.
1. MARCH AND APRIL 2009 – For the first time ever, The Studio will be attending the Body, Soul and Spirit expo’s in Edmonton and Calgary as an exhibitor. We have teamed up with Carol from The Violet Ray and you will be able to find us sharing a booth if you are planning to attend the shows. They are worth going to – I loved the sessions last year, particularly the lecture with Dr Ledwith on Orbs. Of course there are lots of things to see, buy, and eat, and lots of interesting personalities to chat with. Hopefully we will see you there this year!
2. JUNE 2009 – The Studio is hosting Dr. Mona Lisa once again, and this time in both Calgary and Red Deer. The one day workshops will be in support of her new book release and the cost will be less than $100 per person attending, which includes her new book. More details to be released within the next month.
3. SEPTEMBER 2009 – Once again I will be heading off to England for more studies in mediumship. This year I will have the blessing to train with Janet Parker who was highly recommended to me by my favorite medium in the world Gordon Smith from Scotland. Her classes are hard to get into, and I am very excited I get to meet her this year.