Psychic Body Wizards – oh oh – Some Glitches!
Day #3 Feb 12, 2014 Muscle Spasms, Hiccups and Hot drinks!
Just about finished day #3 of this adventure and I feel like I am speed learning.
Last night, muscle spasms in my feet and legs had me up, hopping from foot to foot in a fair bit of discomfort.Right away, I knew I wasn’t drinking enough water.
I never thought about this but juicing is a liquid diet so you feel like you are constantly drinking. Someone more diligent than me would have realized early on, that I wasn’t drinking the same amount of water I had before. I know my body needs water, and I honestly thought I was doing well with it. Hindsight is brilliant though isn’t it?
So today I upped the water.Rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces every day.
I also get the hiccups frequently – so far not when I am sitting with clients thank goodness. Have you noticed the straws I use in all my juices? Yup – I am probably swallowing too much air, so more attention required, or maybe no straws. That will hopefully take care of the hiccups.
Juicing also makes me want to brush my teeth more often than my typical morning and night routine.They feel gritty.And about teeth, needless to say beet juice will stain your teeth. As will blueberries, and other fruits and veggies.
Being aware of the stain possibilities, I am even more vigilant with the oil pulling every morning. I use sesame oil (do not get toasted) and pulling does whiten your teeth as well as detoxify. If you don’t know what oil pulling is just head over to the following site at and check it out.There are lots of health benefits to that practice too.Only 20 minutes in the morning on an empty stomach – done.
Ok, I added hot beverages yesterday. Black and Green Tea and the odd coffee with coconut creamer. I had to, I love hot drinks. I have never been a big fan of iced beverages, and I found myself really missing them. So, instead of being unhappy, I added them and doing just that helps me be more committed to a good juicing experience.
You are getting the picture that I am not good with any form of rules? I dislike deprivation and personal pain. I am the same with my spiritual practice. I do what I love to do, which makes it unique to me. And it allows me to love and tweak methods to please me. That makes me happy. That makes me good at what I do. And that is part of why I am exploring the psychic/physical connections.
That’s all for today… I wish you a delightful evening and will see you again tomorrow with installment #4
Until then… Namaste from Sharyn <3