Valuable Partnerships
Like most business people, I require skills outside of my own to run a successful business. I require ( and desire) a great creative crew to take care of all my website design, ad copy, flyers, brochures and all the things required to have positive visibility and support for my work. I get that from rfx graphics and send buckets of thank you’s to them.
I require (and desire) a strong relationship with media outlets so I can support them as they support me in presenting my work in their layouts to reflect my standard of excellence. The Violet Ray Natural Health And Living Magazine Thanks Carol, you are tops!
I require (and desire) the word of mouth advertising be positive and happily shared by satisfied clients and friends. This aspect of partnership is the most desireable as it can make or break a business. Satisfied clients create a successful enterprise based on win-win all around. Lots of love to all of the clients and friends who support The Studio… it can’t happen without you.
The greatest partner I have ever had though, is the Energy of the Universe that never ever lets me down. My work as a psychic medium depends on my gift to make contact with crossed over friends and loved ones, and also to keep my life on track. With the help of Spirits, Guides, and Angels I am able to do what I do to the best of my ability. For that I am eternally grateful and I look forward to teaching as many of you as want to learn; how to tap into your own psychic selves and learn to trust the same source.
Until next time…. Namaste from Sharyn