What a Weekend!!
Thank you so much to all of you who attended the weekend events in Calgary and Red Deer. Both of them went off extremely well, lots of interaction and lots of very positive feedback. It is wonderful fun to have the opportunity to sit in an afternoon session and learn, share, laugh and ponder. I know I had a blast – of course I could talk for hours about my work and the field of the psychic self, but I really enjoyed the time I had and the interaction with all of you.
Dr Mona Lisa Schulz left Alberta feeling good. Her email said directly, “I am thrilled with the response… thank you.” Her new book is totally outstanding and so simple to follow that anyone could read it and find themselves in it somewhere. She pinpoints specific health issues so you can determine just what might need to be addressed to overcome illness and experience the joy of wellness. When I brought the books in, I ordered extras, and at this time I only have 15 left. If you would like to pick one up please give me a call. They are hardcover and only $30 – I know they won’t last long.
On the charity side of things – we didn’t get the response we thought we could (I haven’t been called a dreamer for nothing) but the response we did get raised $1,500 for the Canadian Wildlife Federation. That is outstanding and the CWF is grateful to everyone who supported the events. The team that worked together on this project are thrilled and maybe even ready to do something like this again in the Fall. Putting fundraisers together with this type of work is a natural fit, and as long as you stay realistic you will have good results. What a super way to support your charities of choice in a slower economy, as many have had their funding cut back.
Want to see the photos of the events? just click here
On the energetic front – I am slowly getting my energy back and am ready to get busy again. I have been seeing a few clients this week, and my schedule is really filling up for the months ahead. If you are planning on getting in to see me but haven’t called you may want to, so you can get the day of your choice. I am doing more and more phone consultations as well which makes it easier for those of you who can’t or would rather not travel to Red Deer. Phone contact is 403-343-6679.
Again, thanks to all of you who came out for the weekend – keep watching the newsletters, you never know what we will be up to next!! Enjoy the summer!
Namaste from Sharyn