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Sep 2007


This is where I will be writing and connecting from England.  Cheerio till the 8th of Sept. when I will jot a hello from the College to let you know

Aug 2007

The England Link

The England Link

On September 7th, I am off across the water to England to attend the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Development. I am excited, nervous, and delighted to have this opportunity

Aug 2007

Good Self Care.

Good Self Care.

I know I have already talked a bit about my acupuncture sessions, but recently I made a change and wanted to share the results with you. The Doctor I was

Aug 2007

Bossy Weather??

Bossy Weather??

The Weather’s Not The Boss of Me…. Yes, it is hot hot hot!!! These past few months in Alberta have seen hotter muggier days than previous summers. However, no one

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